Technical Details

Product Overview

Genesis DealVu allows deals from the Reuters Dealing 2000 system and EBS Dealing Resources deal matching system to be captured, stored, viewed, printed, archived, and generally managed.

Deals are stored in an SQL database and communicated to workstation-hosted, JAVA, blotter-display engines. The database communicates to the blotter-display engines via the FIX data protocol.

What Genesis DealVu Can Do

  • Provides real - time deal processing
  • Can be implemented in any hardware/software environment
  • Provided complete transaction logs which capture, store and display all deals and all transactions performed on deals.
  • Provides archiving capability for both deal files and transaction log files
  • Genesis DealVu allows software applications operating in different environments to share information
  • Genesis DealVu is generated in ANSI standard C and runs under any operating environment that supports an ANSI C compiler
  • No need to modify or enhance any of your existing systems

How Genesis DealVu Can Improve Your Operations

  • Improves management and control of deal
  • Reduces errors and makes them easier to correct
  • Reduces overhead costs
  • Increases productivity

How Genesis DealVu Is Implemented

Genesis DealVu is an interface that captures deals and stores them in an SQL Database from any or all of the following:

  • Reuters D2000:
    • Ticket Output Feed (TOF),
    • Conversation Overview Gateway (COG),
    • Serial Printer Port
  • EBS Matching System:
    • ASI,
    • Serial Printer Port

Genesis DealVu Screen Shots

  • Login Screen
    Users login to Genesis DealVu from their own workstations. Blotter setup (number, position, filter etc.) are loaded on a per-user basis. Once a user has logged in, blotters may be created using the blotter button in the main control panel window.
  • Blotter
    Genesis DealVu blotters are windows that contain a subset of the deals (according to per-blotter filter conditions). Filter conditions will be displayed at the top of the window (not shown in this preliminary screenshot). Deals arriving in real-time are added, as they arrive, to the relevant blotter(s). Blotters may be displayed with or without deal detail, this state being switched on a per-blotter basis.
  • Deal Detail
    Full details for any deal that is selected in a blotter may be displayed. Details are displayed below the blotter screen. Details may be turned on or off on a per-blotter basis.
  • Multiple Blotters
    Any number of blotters may be selected with any combination of filter conditions. The user is prompted whether that would like the current layout saved when the user logs off.
  • Filters and Searches
    Filters are display conditions that are applied to a blotter. Each blotter have have its own filter. Filters may be defined and named for easy recall when necessary.
    Here is a sample filter selection dialog. This blotter has been filtered to show only USD/DEM deals. Filters only apply to the current day's deals. More filter conditions are being implemented. This dialog box should be regarded as functional but priliminary.

    Searches are filters that are applied to the database of deals over a range of days.
    Here is a sample search selection dialog.

Page Last updated 3/22/99